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Starting a Fashion Business? 2024/4/28 01:15
Hello!! I'm an American foreigner, I have plans to become a fashion designer, my college learning and japanese language learning is all mapped out so I have that ready. My question is how possible would it be to start an alternative fashion brand in Japan as a foreigner?
I would like to create designs inspired by the popular gal style of 2000s-2010s Ank Rouge, Liz Lisa and DearMyLove (not as much their new collections) but I dont really know how likely it would be that 1. it gets people willing to work alongside me, and 2. enough attention to be able to pay for it all, due to current trends in Japan. (I am not anywhere near being able to even think of these things but I would like to be prepared early.)
I am aware of the current law that requires 2 japanese citizens to work there full time, and the payment of 5million yen, which is an obstacle I am willing to cross. But should I just work for another existing company or even just start a brand in America rather than Japan?
by Ari (guest)  

Re: Starting a Fashion Business? 2024/4/28 15:40
Beyond the start-up capital requirement, and some company incorporation issues you have not touched on (who your local representative will be - yes, you can do it yourself if structured properly), there is one glaring gap in what you have written.
What is you experience running a business?
Other related stuff would be do you know how to write a business plan? What your our legal and accounting requirements are? What is your forward cash-flow projection? Where are you supplier and distribution agreements/channels. Those things get serious scrutiny from Immigration, but even if you did this business in your home country, the same issues arise.
For disclaimer, I do have a professional qualification for business support (took me three years to earn), worked as a professional business advisor (only eight years), and over three decades running my own business including in Japan for almost a decade.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Starting a Fashion Business? 2024/4/28 18:40
I'm guessing that you are still a teenager (correct me if I'm wrong). If so, and if you pursue a career heavily based on Japanese culture, why not challenge to enroll in a fashion senmongakko in Japan anyway? That kind of an experience would definitely benefit not only your language skills but also cultural influence, marketing and building a career wherever you chose to be based at. A lot of fashion senmongakko has welcomed foreign students, granted that they can keep up with classes taught in Japanese language. And if you try and end up not being granted entrance, that means you need to do your re-mapping.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Starting a Fashion Business? 2024/4/29 02:48
To Uco,
Thank you for the idea!! Yes, I am still a teenager (just going into highschool the next school year) ! I have looked into Japanese fashion colleges such as Bunka before and it is definitely an option for me. It would be great to study abroad to understand Japanese culture. I will keep that option in my head for the future. Thank you again!!
by Ari (guest) rate this post as useful

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